Ft. Micheal Conaty Time Capsule
On Friday 25th October, Shepherd Offshore and many commemorated the work of Fr. Michael Conaty MBE for his charitable work. The event saw the opening of two new landmark buildings as his last great vision, with Conaty House providing housing development care and Bostey Youth Centre supporting the people of Walker. A time capsule was placed in the courtyard at the new development in memory and is to be excavated in 2069.
Fr. Michael was a familiar face at Shepherd Offshore and a friend for many years. Shepherd Offshore was therefore proud of our long association with Fr. Michael and wanted to contribute. Items included the golf cap from the Shepherd Offshore Trophy / Freddy Shepherd Cup, Cannon Ball and Bolt estimated to be 150-200 years old and a Newcastle United 1957 – 1958 fixtures program.
Sealed at our Offshore Technology Park, the lead capsule was celebrated amongst many representatives of the public, friends, and family to honor the life and work of Fr. Michael.
We would like to thank anyone who attended the event and wish all the best to Fr. Michael’s family and friends.

Fr. Michael Conaty Time Capsule