Another successful year at Shepherd Offshore
Happy New Year!
This week marked the end to another successful year at Shepherd Offshore. Here are some operational highlights:
- 111 Vessels berthed at both Offshore Technology Park and Neptune Energy Park
- We Spooled over 80km of Umbilical/Flowline
- 126 reels were loaded to vessels and transport with the heaviest reel weighing over 355T
- Total load-out was over 24,000T
- 98 reels were offloaded from vessels and transport with the heaviest reel weighing over 386T
- Total load-in was over 11,000T
These statistics are a fraction of what goes on at Shepherd Offshore. Behind the highlights is a team both operational and office based ensuring all projects are carried out to a high standard for our client.
With bookings already made, we are excited to see what 2020 brings. For any project enquiries, please email us at headoffice@shepherdoffshore.com or call us on +44 (0) 191 262 9614. To review previous projects, please visit www.shepherdoffshore.com.