Passer Capex
Agent/Clients/Third Parties:
Offshore & Heavylift Services/ Baker Hughes Energy Technology UK Ltd
Operation Type: Auxiliary Discharge and storage
Description of Scope: Discharging 14 half Saddles, transport to long term storage in a quick turnaround full turnkey solution
MV Wilson Lahn
Services provided:
Lift Design Engineering
Pre-arrival Planning
Pre-arrival Set-up (Marine / Lifting / Transport)
Fendering Solutions
Marine Support
Mobile Crane Support
Plant Hire
Mobilisation, Positioning and Set-up of Crane
Heavy/Abnormal/Complex Lifting Services
Material Handling Solutions
Load Bearing Solutions
Storage Solutions
Transportation Solutions
Project Management
Logistics Support
Vessel Support
Quayside Assistance
Supervisor’s management, assistance and communication: 4/5
Quayside operational personnel punctuality: 4/5
Quality of service received from the operations personnel: 4/5
Quayside set up & Housekeeping: 4/5
How would you rate our HSE performance? 4/5
Was the job done accurately against the scope? 4/5
Staff’s professionalism and aptitude: 4/5
Staff’s ability to communicate and provide quality support: 4/5
How will you rate our overall quality during the full work scope? 4/5
Would you be confident to recommend SOS to others? 4/5
Operations Manager, Offshore Heavy Lifting Services
Shepherd Offshore Comments:
“Great communication between the client and Shepherd Offshore personal, laid the foundation for a smooth operation. In the initiation stage of the project, we looked at all the relevant lifting information and pulled together pre-project plans for operations, including specific berthing, lifting and storage plans. Choosing Neptune Energy Park, for the mobile crane capability and straight to route long term storage availability.
The operations entailed utilising the CC4800 and rigging the saddles up and then lifting from the vessel to the Quay, Once lifted to the Quay, they were safely de-rigged and loaded to transport via fork truck, straight to long term storage in specific combinations to client’s scope.
Working hard, the team successfully supported our client on each stage of the project and fulfilled the scope of work. Job well done to all involved for this auxiliary discharge.”
Technical Project Co-ordinator, Shepherd Offshore