Agent/Clients/Third Parties:
Offshore & Heavylift Services / Baker Hughes Energy Technology UK Ltd / Baggio Shipping and Chartering
Operation Type: 13 reel and 177 crates loadout and seafastened
Description of Scope: 190 lifts, 13 reels loaded out, 177 crates equating to a combined weight of 3890T with a maximum lift of 355T, seafastenings complete
BBC Sapphire
Services provided:
Pre Arrival Set up
Fendering Solutions
Mobile Crane Support
Plant Hire
Heavy/Abnormal/Complex Lifting Services
Material Handling Solutions
Load Bearing Solutions
Storage Solutions
Seafastening Solutions
Project Management
Logistics Support
Vessel Support
Supervisor’s management, assistance and communication: 4/5
Quayside operational personnel punctuality: 4/5
Quality of service received from the operations personnel: 5/5
Quayside set up & Housekeeping: 4/5
How would you rate our HSE performance? 4/5
Staff’s professionalism and aptitude: 4/5
How will you rate our overall quality during the full work scope? 4/5
Pipe Completion lead, Baker Hughes
Shepherd Offshore Comments:
Shepherd Offshore was tasked with loading 13 reels and 177 crates to the BBC Sapphire whilst also providing seafastening solutions. This required communication and planning between the vessel, client and contractors to ensure the operation ran smoothly. With the arrival, storage and transport of crates continuously rolling in our logistical team had to be on the ball ensuring items were ready to be transferred to the vessel when required working in a systematic pre-planned approach and ensuring complete vessel support.
We ensured several lifting teams, loading throughout the day from quay to vessel with different squads operating during nightshift to load crates around the reels. This required some adaptability and continued support so that we could switch between the vessel crane and our 325 HammerHead crane to ensure vessel support. This project also required varied Hot works knowledge and expertise to cut various stops, and D-rings and assist with the pre-lashing on the quay and welding in the hold of the vessel.
The team helped to provide many capabilities including but not limited to Vessel Support with Mobile Crane Support, Labour Support and Plant Hire with the team working around the clock to ensure the operation was complete to the scope and timeline. The team successfully supported the client and vessel resulting in 190 lifts in total weighing a combined 3890 Ton. Job well done to all involved for this complex and ever-changing loadout.
Technical Co-Ordinator, Shepherd Offshore